Overview of reports after monkeypox vaccination


Untill September 2022 The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb received 118 reports of adverse events after the monkeypox vaccination (Imvanex). The most reported reactions were: injection site reactions, fatigue, malaise and myalgia. No serious adverse reactions, nor deviant patterns have been detected in the reported adverse drug reactions following monkeypox vaccination in The Netherlands thus far.

Untill the end of September approximately 13,000 Imvanex vaccinations were administrated, of which 5,000 second doses.

The top 20 reported reactions mainly included injection site reactions and general systemic reactions commonly observed after vaccination. The majority of the reactions occured after one or two days after vaccination. The mean duration of the recovered reactions was around 8 days as far as known.

The full overview of the reports can be found here.

Contact your general practitioner if you experience adverse reactions after the monkeypox vaccination or if you have questions or concerns regarding it.