About Lareb


The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb identifies risks associated with the use of medicines in daily practice and is the Knowledge Centre for adverse drugs reactions (ADRs).

Lareb collects around 30.000 reports of adverse drug reactions yearly, but in 2021 the amount of reports increased due to coronavaccines up to almost 200.000 reports.

Our reports

Analysis of reports can lead to signals about adverse drug reactions. These signals are reported to and reviewed by the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB). In case of vaccines, Lareb also informs the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. In case of reports of health products, Lareb contacts the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. These authorities can take measures, if necessary. Like adjusting patients instructions for use, finetuning the prescription of medicines or changing the policy about vaccines. Sometimes drugs are withdrawn from the market.

Our Teratology Information Service

We are also specialized in drug use during pregnancy and lactation with our Teratology Information Service (TIS), in Dutch. Our experts are doing research about the safety of drug used before and during pregnancy and during lactation. This knowledge is presented on the Dutch part of the website of Lareb. The Dutch Pregnancy Drug Register (“Moeders van Morgen Lareb”) monitors the use and safety of drugs during pregnancy and lactation and Lareb performs research on this data. Both the TIS and the Dutch Pregnancy Drug Register are part of Moeders van Morgen Lareb.

Lareb is an independent foundation and is funded by the MEB and the Ministry of Health.