New method to gain information about drug effectiveness and ADRs


Lareb and the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research NIVEL collaborate in a project to develop a method to quickly gain information about the effectiveness and side effects of medicines in daily practice. As a use case, drugs used for bladder complaints will be examined. In the future, this method can also be used for other disorders. 

The new method is a further development of the Lareb Intensive Monitoring (LIM) methodology. Patients’ experiences about their bladder complaints, therapy (medicines and/or physiotherapy), side effects, therapy adherence, and quality of life will be collected using electronic questionnaires. This information will be combined with information present in the general practitioners’ patient records. Healthcare professionals and patients can use the knowledge gained from this new approach in decision making around medicine use for bladder complaints.

In total, 600 patients will be included in the study, using the 500 general practitioners connected to the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research NIVEL. This project runs from January 1st, 2017 till December 31, 2019 and is supported by ZonMw, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development.